My writing gives me wings and
if you were to see the thoughts in my head that sizzle if they don't get down on the page, I would probably be admitted to a mental institution.
Writing sets me free and often features in my dreams.
Just last night, I awoke in tears mourning the fact that my words might be obsolete if not seen by others.
I write so I can own my place in a world where I often feel lost.
I write because it is one of the ways that I navigate my emotions. It helps me make sense of the world. I write because it is an automatic response to experiences, place and people.
I often wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't writing.
Would I essentially be living a fuller life? The life of a writer is often turbulent because but I do believe that to be one, I must walk tall through the world as a full acceptance of this life.
I am a writer, the same way, I am an artist.
I exist in that realm where I see the world creatively with hyper awareness - in a story format, where I see my thoughts as a play acted out, where I see myself as a narrator and everyone in my circle and periphery are characters.
I write because I have this burning desire to speak the truth through words.
I write too so others can see a little bit of their truth in my words too.
I write probably for the same reason people have been writing for centuries.......which first started off as symbols and then progressed to language and text. - to share, to inspire and to keep note of history, time and place.
I write simply because I enjoy it.
